This plugin allows users to selectively clean up the WordPress header, removes unwanted dashboard widgets and tweaks annoying WordPress features.


  1. Head Cleanup

    • removes the Generator/WordPress Version number
    • removes link to Really Simple Discovery service endpoint
    • removes link to Windows Live Writer manifest file
    • removes displaying links to the extra feeds such as category feeds
    • removes displaying links to the general feeds: Post and Comment Feed
    • removes adjacent posts links : Index link, Next link, Start link
    • removes WordPress cannonical link
    • removes WordPress Shortlink
  2. Dashboard widgets Cleanup

    • removes help tab on dashboard screen or all whole screen
    • removes WordPress Welcome Panel
    • removes update submenu under ‘Dashboard’ menu
    • removes wordpress update nag
    • removes update browser nag
    • removes wordpress dashboard widgets At a Glance/Quick Draft/WordPress News/Activity
  3. Misc Cleanup

    • removes versions from css and js source link
    • removes javascripts and styles from header & moves to footer
    • removes default styles set by WordPress recent comments widget
    • removes width and height dynamic attributes to thumbnails/post images
    • removes WordPress generated category and tag atributes for W3C validation
    • removes admin bar from the frontend
    • removes and/or changes WordPress login error message
    • removes WordPress login shake effect


  • Page load speed increases drastically.
  • Better site performance.
  • Google will love your site. Also users will love your site.
  • Better security : stay safe, sleep well!

Recommended Plugins

The following are recommended by the author:

  • Page Specific Menu Items – Allows you to selectively hide the menu items. One menu different menu items on different page(posts).

  • BlankPress Theme Framework – Simple yet flexible HTML5 blank WordPress theme framework based on underscores. Use this as a base theme for your WP projects.



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