Brad's Entity Attribute Value Database Brad's Entity Attribute Value Database

Brad's Entity Attribute Value Database

Created by: Bradley Smith

Downloaded: 676 times

Welcome to Brad’s Entity Attribute Value Database
This welcome page is where I will place ongoing information when I update this plugin. Also this will (I hope) have enough documentation to get you started. So what is an Entity Attribute Value Database? Well the easiest way is to have you read about with the links below, and if you have any other please let me know.

Okay so inshort this plugin is meant to allow people to track items (people,cars,etc) without the need to create a database table for each thing. All data is currently stored in 4 tables.

As things progress hopefully I will get default values, incrementing values, and many other things going. This is of course the first plugin I have released, so as always I am looking for ways to do things better.

This first version is more of a proof of concept and to see what others think as I develop more.

Okay so first there is very small amount of error checking, and onto the help section:

Admin Pages
Manage Records – This is where you will define the record names you want to keep things in
Mange Attributes – This is where you will define your fields
Manage Record Layout – This is where you will define what fields are in each of your records
SQL Default – This is where you will define sql for defaulting values

shortcodes – standalone
[eav_tbl table=tablenamehere] – currently this shows all the rows in for the table in the argument
– there is an additional option allowupd=y will allow the person to update the record
– also you can use flds=2,4,6 which will only show fields 2,4,6 – order must be low to high
[eav_add table=tablenamehere] – currently this allows you insert values into the table in the argument

shortcodes – group1
[eav_startadd table=tablenamehere] – this shortcode starts the selective data entry
[eav_field field=fieldnamehere] – this shortcode places the an entry box for tablenamehere.fieldnamehere. You can also add a “hidden=y” value as well and this field will be of type hidden instead of text.
[eav_subrec table=subtablehere] – this shortcode places an entry row for a child record on the page
[eav_endadd] – this is the shortcode you use to close the form, you can only have 1 eav_startadd/eav_endadd combination

There are 2 demo apps that you can see how things are done
– Guest Registration, this will create a all the fields, records and a page which will show you how to create a data entry page
– Apache Log, this will install record,field that you can now use the apache shortcut to load apache web data


  • This screen shot shows how you could use group 1 shortcodes.


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