BuddyPress Docs

Created by: Boone B Gorges, David Cavins

Downloaded: 298k times

BuddyPress Docs adds collaborative work spaces to your BuddyPress community. Part wiki, part document editing, part shared dropbox, think of these Docs as a BuddyPress version of the Docs service offered by the Big G ifyouknowwhatimean

Features include:

  • Docs that can be linked to groups or users, with a variety of privacy levels
  • Support for fully-private document uploads
  • Doc taxonomy, using tags
  • Fully sortable and filterable doc lists
  • TinyMCE front-end doc editing
  • One-editor-at-a-time prevention against overwrites, plus idle detection/autosave
  • Full access to revision history
  • Dashboard access and management of Docs for the site admin

This plugin is in active development. For feature requests and bug reports, visit http://github.com/boonebgorges/buddypress-docs. If you have translated the plugin and would like to provide your translation for distribution with BuddyPress Docs, please contact the plugin author.



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