Bulk Page Stub Creator Bulk Page Stub Creator

Bulk Page Stub Creator

Created by: rtpHarry

Downloaded: 3k times

This is a developer plugin for WordPress developers to ease their initial content setup process.

It is a simple plugin; it gives you a text input area. On the first line you type the page title, on the second line you type the slug. Then you repeat the process for as many pages that you want to create.

When you press the Create page stubs button it will automatically create all of the stubs for you.

Who This Is Aimed At

This plugin is for website developers that want to speed up their initial content setup process.

It is a really simple plugin by design. I wrote it to help speed up my own website development process.

I can see some ideas as to how this could be expanded and if you find this useful I’m open to suggestions on the GitHub Issues page.

How It Fits Into My Workflow

First I plan out the structure of my site in a sitemap document. This document contains the page names and the slugs.

Then I create another document from this which details all of the page meta like, descriptions, titles, headers, contents text, footer tags and any other optimisations I want to add.

This plugin lets me quickly process my sitemap document into real page stubs on the website, complete with the slugs I want.

The results page is then shown which has edit page links for all of the new pages.

This allows you to easily open up each tab in the order I’ve planned out (not alphabetically sorted like WordPress defaults) and insert the remaining meta to the pages.

If this sounds like your workflow then this plugin could save you time!


  • The main bulk page stub creator admin page
  • The results of a bulk page stub creation
  • If WordPress finds that the requested slugs either were invalid or already in use it automatically renames the slug to a non-conflicting name.


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