Better WordPress Polldaddy Polls Better WordPress Polldaddy Polls

Better WordPress Polldaddy Polls

Created by: Khang Minh

Downloaded: 12k times

This plugin helps you add Polldaddy Polls to your WordPress website easily. BWP Polldaddy Polls focuses on the front end rather than the back end, i.e. you edit your polls on and you choose how to show them on your website.


You can view a working instance of this plugin on the right sidebar of Better WordPress homepage.

Some Features

  • Simple, lightweight and easy to use
  • Allow you to update your polls manually or automatically using a configurable time settings
  • Offer SSL support for paid Polldaddy accounts
  • Display polls using widget
  • Display polls using shortcode (bwp-polldaddy)
  • Display polls using template functions (bwp_polldaddy)
  • Limit the number of polls to display
  • Sort polls based on IDs, creation date, numbers of responses, or sort randomly
  • WordPress Multi-site compatible

Visit Plugin’s Official Page for more information!

Please don’t forget to rate this plugin 5 shining stars if you like it, thanks!

Get in touch


  • This plugin is currently available only in English. Please help translate it!


  • BWP Polldaddy Polls Widget
  • BWP Polldaddy Polls Shortcode
  • BWP Polldaddy Polls displayed on a page


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