WooODT Lite – Delivery & pickup date time location for WooCommerce WooODT Lite – Delivery & pickup date time location for WooCommerce

WooODT Lite – Delivery & pickup date time location for WooCommerce

Created by: ByConsole

Downloaded: 101k times

WooODT Lite is a WooCommerce Delivery & Pickup Date Time extension that gives the facility of selecting delivery/pickup date and time/time slot on checkout page.

WooODT Lite let you customers choose order type as deliverable or self pickup along with their desired date and a preferred time slot, optionally offer to choose pickup location when you have multiple pickup point.

It comes with an widget and short code([ByConsole_WooODT]) as well that you can place on any page/sidebar/template to collect user’s desired date time for delivery/pickup and location of pickup point before going to checkout page.

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Features in this version
Same day delivery charge added in last update
* Make your store as deliverable only or pickup only or keep both the options.
* On checkout page ask if the order is for delivery or pickup, then show available dates for chosen order type. Then based on date selected show what time slots are available for the chosen date.
* Ask to choose a pickup date, pickup time slot & pickup location in case of pickup orders.
* You can add as many pickup point as you may have.
* You can disable time option keeping only date-picker calendar.
* You can disable the pickup locations option in case of you have no other pickup point.
* Ask for a tips to delivery person(optional).
* Offer delivery/pickup time as fixed time or 30 minutes auto-created slots.
* Do not ask for date, time & order type when cart contains virtual products only.
* Add a pre-order days – how much days in advance a delivery/pickup order can be placed
* Restricts pickup based on week days, i.e: you can disable pickup on each Sunday & Saturday
* Restricts delivery on chosen week days, i.e: you can disable delivery on each Thursday
* Customize the labels of the pickup and delivery button shown on checkout page & widget.
* Different time formats are available
* Option to mark delivery or pickup time as non required field
* Set delivery service start and end time
* Set pickup service start and end time
* You can change the position of the date and time field on the checkout page
* You can change the position of the date and time info section on order confirmation email.
* You can show a different custom message on customer email and order completed page like,
Pickup message like Please pickup your order on 28 Sep 2019 at 09:45 AM
Delivery message like Your order will be delivered on 28 Sep 2019 at 09:45 AM
Store Closing Time: You can setup a specific time as store closing time. After that time no one can select the current day.
* Widget
Widget included: This plugin comes with a widget that you can place on any page/post/sidebar to collect delivery/pickup date time before reaching to checkout page.
* Calendar view of all deliveries & pickups
Delivery Calendar: Another exciting feature of this free plugin where you can see all the delivery & pickup orders in a calendar view. It also show you order number, customer name, whether order is for delivery or pickup along with on what time to do delivery/pickup.

  • WooCommerce App Support
    WooCommerce App Support Using Order Note: This lite version plugin also adds delivery & pickup information in order note. This feature is super handy as WooCommerce app doesn’t allow any custom information. So if you control your order using the WooCommerce app, you don’t need to worry about Delivery & Pickup details.

Get pro version here

Trial pro version for 7 days.

Get Pro version

Check pro version demo here

Features in pro version

Apart from features of this lite version pro version has many other complex features like below:

Lead time / minimum waiting time for same day delivery & pickup.
You can setup minimum waiting time for deliveries & pickups separately.

Minimum pre-order days for delivery/pickup

Order placing cutoff time for next day delivery & pickup separately

Order placing cutoff time for same day delivery & pickup separately

Custom slots – create your own delivery slot per week day basis. Also different pickup slots based on different week days.

Custom slot fees – Add extra fees for delivery on special time slot.

Limit each Time Slot with maximum number of deliveries & pickups separately.

Time slot with single time – You can also make a time-slot with single time duration.

Weekday wise Delivery Fee
Option to charge extra fees for delivery/pickup on any specific week day.

Create multiple pickup location
Handy when you have multiple pickup points.

Additional email to pickup point manager Each pickup location admin will receive a copy of new order email whenever that location selected as pickup point.

Special Open Dates with Special Time Slot:Are you looking for special delivery & pickup time slots for certain dates? Keep delivery open on special dates with special time slot even if the date falls on your regular weekly closing days or holidays. Pro version of this plugin allow you to create different time slots for specific calendar dates, that override regular time slots on those dates.

Special dates open with additional charges. Doing delivery/pickup on a specific calendar dates? You can ask for additional fees for delivery/pickup on that specific calendar date.

Separate Store Closing Time for each location: You can setup a specific time as store closing time for each of your pickup hubs and delivery areas. After that time no one can select the current day for respective pickup hub & delivery area.

Provide different discount for each of your pickup points.

Different pickup time slots for each pickup location

Each delivery area has its own service days and service time.

Each delivery area can have addition delivery fees.

Setting up date format

Create delivery location list

Set casual holidays on each month’s calendar(Applied to current year only)

Set National/public holiday on calendar(Recurring, applied to upcoming years)

Create your own custom slots

Limit number of deliveries/pickups per location per time slot

Receive new order notification email for each location on additional email address.

Day Charges Per Postcode In WooCommerce Need X postcode to have different delivery fees than Y postcode for a specific week day? You can setup different delivery fees specific to different post codes for all of seven days. Like post code X may need extra delivery fees for delivery on Sunday & Saturday only while post code Y need extra fees for delivery on Saturday only.

Product category based pickup & delivery location Products from specific categories can be available to a particular pickup hub or a particular delivery area only.

Specific delivery date range per product Some products products can be delivered on your chosen dates range only. Like a delivery/pickup of a particular product is possible from 24th December to 2nd January only.

Different preparation time per product category Product category wise preparation time. Like Products from category “A” need at-least 3 days to deliver while products of category “B” needs minimum 5 days to deliver.

Product category wise pickup/delivery Products from specific categories is only for pickup while both pickup & delivery is allowed for rest of all products.

Multi-vendor version available for Dokan, WCFM, WCMP, YITH & WC Vendors.

Get customized/more extended copy to suit your all needs.

And many more, we are offering maximum number of features.


You must deactivate the Lite version before activating Extended version.

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Features in WooODT Lite explained

Control how many number of days you allow in advance for delivery of an order

You can set allowable days for pre-order. That is how much days in advance a order can be placed. Customers will be able to pick a date in advance on date picker calendar for maximum that number of days from current date.

Setup your delivery & pickup service time separately

You can set delivery & pickup hours in plugin settings page separately and customers will be allowed to select delivery/pickup time from your respective specified time range only.

Control pickup hours to choose

You can set pickup hours in plugin settings page and customers will be allowed to select pickup time from your specified time range only.

Set minimum time to get order delivered

You can set minimum delivery time in plugin settings page and this info will be visible in widget.

Allow customers to choose order type as delivery or pickup clearly

Customer can select whether they will pickup their orders from you store or they need a delivery for their order.

Add as many pickup point as you may have

You can enable multiple pickup location feature, where customer can select from which pickup point they want to collect their order.

Automated shipping based on order type selection

It have a automated shipping selection, ie; if customer choose pickup instead of delivery then the Store Pickup shipping is automatically applied same as if deliver option is selected from widget then it will show your available shipping methods except the Store Pickup one.

Control what texts to show on order completed/details page with date and time

This plugin show the desired delivery/pickup date and time on order details page on front-end and you can control the texts to be shown there with their chosen date and time.

Choose where and what texts to show for delivery/pickup date time on email

Same info is shown on customers email also, while placing an order and you can control what texts to show with delivery/pickup date and time

Choose where to place delivery/pickup info on order details page

You can control where to show this delivery/pickup date and time on customer order page, two option is available as before item list or after item list.

Get delivery/pickup data on admin order details page

All info is also shown on admin order details page, ie; order type: delivery/pickup, Delivery/pickup date and delivery/pickup time.

Place the short code anywhere

Want to know on which date and time customer need the delivery or pickup before checking out? its easy with this plugin just put this short code where you need to collect those info “[ByConsole_WooODT]”

Place the widget anywhere

Widget produced by this plugin can be placed on any page/post, that will collect delivery date and time in advance. Also can be used to check if a delivery/pickup date time is available for any certain day on any page. specially on home page.

Control all the texts/labels

You can change text/label of each fields/buttons as per your need


  • <p>Delivery option on checkout page</p>
  • <p>Pickup option on checkout page</p>
  • <p>Tips to delivery person.</p>
  • <p>Date selection from allowable dates on checkout page</p>
  • <p>Delivery/pickup info with date time in admin order details page</p>
  • <p>Order details with order type, date and time on front-end customer profile.</p>
  • <p>Customer email copy with delivery type, date and time</p>
  • <p>Widget produced by this plugin.</p>
  • <p>Admin setting page.</p>
  • <p>Time selection from allowable time range on checkout page</p>
  • <p>Tips on order summery box.</p>
  • <p>Store closed notice if delivery/pickup service time is over in case of same day delivery</p>
  • <p>Showing minimum delivery time on widget if delivery is selected by customer</p>
  • <p>Holiday settings.</p>
  • <p>Pickup location settings</p>
  • <p>Date selection on widget</p>
  • <p>Time selection on widget</p>
  • <p>Front-end widget</p>
  • <p>settings page part 1</p>
  • <p>settings page part 2</p>
  • <p>settings page part 3</p>
  • <p>Delivery calendar</p>


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