Cache Warmer Cache Warmer

Cache Warmer

Created by: TMM Technology

Downloaded: 9k times

Visits website pages to warm (create) the cache if you have any caching solutions configured.


  • Configure cache warming entry points and the depth of the warming;
  • Add all public site posts as entry points;
  • Add entry point sites sitemaps as entry points;
  • Select which types of assets to load, with 4 checkboxes: scripts, styles, images, fonts;
  • Set custom URL params (?foo=bar);
  • Set custom user agent;
  • Set custom request headers;
  • Set custom cookies;
  • Set connection timeout;
  • Set speed limit (pages to visit per minute);
  • Autorun Interval: to run the warming each N minutes;
  • Exclude pages (by substring or regex);
  • Rewrite URLs to HTTPS;
  • Visit pages second time without custom URL params (if they are set);
  • Warm-up posts (on their publication and edit (Can be seen in Logs -> Triggered)):
    • Set custom posts warming interval.
  • Use object cache for tree storage, when it’s available.


  • Adds a graph to your dashboard with page load time before and after the warming (2 lines) per day.
  • Cleans up Action Scheduler log after itself (older than 30 days for failed actions, and older than 2 days for completed actions).

External services

  • Connect to paid service for warming from external global servers.

Required PHP extensions

  • json
  • simplexml (optional)

Bug reports / Questions / Suggestions



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