Cackle Live Chat Cackle Live Chat

Cackle Live Chat

Created by: Cackle

Downloaded: 2k times

Cackle Live Chat allows your visitors to communicate with your operators be logged through social networks so that operators will always have
information about visitors: name, email, social network link, operating system, browser, IP, referer, current address

Cackle Live Chat Plugin

  • Integrates Cackle Chat Widget to all WordPress pages
  • Use [cackle_live_chat_disable] shortcode to disable Cackle Chat on special WordPress posts or pages

Cackle Live Chat Features

  • Log in visitors through social networks
  • Information about visitors: name, email, social network, operating system, browser, IP, referer, current address
  • Online, offline form chat
  • Preserving the history when re-entering
  • Active sales (automatic invitation)
  • Ability to specify the welcome message of the operator
  • Set the name and photo of the operator
  • Operator rating
  • Simultaneous consultation visitors
  • Online, offline operator status
  • The ability to transfer the chat to another operator
  • Appearance settings: color of the badge, color of the chat, setting of the text
  • Website operator application and Desktop client for Windows
  • Ability to customize live chat design through css on your site

Cackle ( ) social platform have more than 27 000 sites installed their widgets and includes comments, chat, poll, login and review widgets.


  • Cackle Live Chat


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