Clever Addons for Elementor

Created by: CleverSoft

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Clever Addons for Elementor provides high quality widgets and templates which are easy to use and customize. Help you create stunning websites quickly.

See Demo and online documentation for more info.

Key Features

  • Ready To Use: With pre-made templates and widgets, you can quickly build anything beautifully.
  • Easy To Customize: Supercharge your page with more than 100+ widget options and page settings.
  • Light Weight: Resources are optimized for super fast loading and instant live editing.
  • Enable and disable individual elements to make your page loading faster and smoother. You can deactivate unnecessary widgets to keep the site lite.

Free Widgets

  • CAFE Portfolios
  • CAFE Single Scroll To
  • CAFE Image Comparison
  • CAFE Time Line
  • CAFE Multi Banner
  • CAFE Banner
  • CAFE Video Light Box
  • CAFE Services
  • CAFE Posts
  • CAFE Count Down
  • CAFE Testimonial
  • CAFE Icon
  • CAFE Product Advanced
  • CAFE Team Member
  • CAFE Instagram
  • CAFE Scroll To
  • CAFE Contact Form 7
  • CAFE Slider
  • CAFE Revolution Slider
  • CAFE Button
  • CAFE Single Product
  • CAFE Edd Tabs

Pro Widgets

  • CAFE Header Builder
  • CAFE Slider Pro
  • CAFE Animated Headlines
  • CAFE Product Grid Tabs
  • CAFE Product Categories Nav
  • CAFE Hide This
  • CAFE Progress Bar
  • CAFE Product Deal
  • CAFE Product Category Banner
  • CAFE Product Carousel With Category Tabs
  • CAFE Product With Banner And Tabs
  • CAFE Product List Tags
  • CAFE Image 360 View
  • CAFE Product Carousel
  • CAFE Pricing Table
  • CAFE Product Deal And Asset Tabs
  • CAFE Product List Categories
  • CAFE Auto Typing
  • CAFE Footer Builder

Help & Support

If you have any issue, feel free to get help at Plugin Support. We really appreciate your feedbacks.

Online Documentation

For more info, please check out plugin documentation.

Version 2.2.1 – Release Aug 14, 2024

  • Fix Cross Site Scripting (XSS) which related to the “CAFE Single Scroll To” widget

Version 2.2.0 – Release Ju 04, 2024

  • Improve sercurity
  • Fix some issue with coding stardard
  • Compartible with WordPress 6.5.4

Version 2.1.9 – Release Dec 03, 2023

  • Fix issue unable get default value of responsive control

Version 2.1.8 – Release Nov 29, 2023

  • Fix deprecated typography selector.
  • Fix minor php issue with responsive control.

Version 2.1.7 – Release Jan 15, 2023

  • Fix issue not working with Elementor 3.5.x

Version 2.1.6 – Release June 02, 2022

  • Fix issue missing config (responsive option) with PHP 8.x

Version 2.1.5 – Release Mar 28, 2022

  • Compatible with Elementor 3.6.2

Version 2.1.4 – Release Jan 24, 2022

  • Update carousel for fix js isssue.
  • Improve Animated headline (add new maquee effect)
  • Improve multi banner & testimonial
  • Improve style for header builder

Version 2.1.3 – Release Sep 20, 2021

  • Improve style for header builder sticky
  • Improve cafe multi banner
  • Update align icon follow Elementor latest version

Version 2.1.2 – Release Jun 20, 2021

  • Update cleverfont icon
  • Improve style of widgets
  • Fix issue display link of multi banner widget

Version 2.1.1 – Release May 15, 2021

  • Fix issue display list widget
  • Improve typography for fix issue deprecated: Elementor\Scheme_Typography.

Version 2.1.0 – Release Apr 14, 2021

  • Add slick and load slick from plugin.
  • Fix some security issue.
  • Update message for template missing (for fix issue site broken when template missing).

Version 2.0.15 – Release Mar 19, 2021

  • Fix minor issue Cafe-lite with cafe site nav menu (For Pro version).
  • Improve style of plugin.
  • Fix issue empty link for Cafe Pro.
  • Fix issue with off canvas menu for Cafe Pro.
  • Fix issue ajax search not working.
  • Add more options for Multi banner widget.

Version 2.0.14 – Release Nov 20, 2020

  • Improve clever Icon – Clever Portfolio.
  • Fixed widget name Cafe Pro in Cafe Settings page.
  • Improved CAFE Icon.

Version 2.0.13 – Release Oct 16, 2020

  • Fixed toggle nav menu on header sticky.
  • Fixed conflig js loadmore, infinite with plugin Clever Portfolio.

Version 2.0.12 – Release Sep 13, 2020

  • Improve style and js for Cafe Pro

= Version 2.0.11 – Release Sep 10, 2020

  • Fixed css site nav horizontal, vertical layout

= Version 2.0.10 – Release Sep 09, 2020

  • Change Doc url
  • Improve site nav js allow active element case menu use local link. (For Pro version)
  • Improve site nav hamburger style. (For Pro version)
  • Improve countdown. Add custom label for time.
  • Fix minor escape data issue.
  • Fix navigation position widget CAFE Team Member + Muilti Banner
  • Add more query Order by, Order, Offset for Posts

= Version 2.0.9 – Release Aug 10, 2020

  • Improve widget CAFE Team Member.
  • Fix undefinded function.
  • Fix minor css.

= Version 2.0.8 – Release Aug 1, 2020

  • Improve Instagram Widget
  • Improve options for Testimonial widget
  • Improve panel elements

= Version 2.0.7 – Release Jul 17, 2020

  • Compatible with new Instagram’s API

= Version 2.0.6 – Release June 02, 2020

  • Change widget Cafe Instagram to Cafe Instagram Hashtag – Now it accept only hashtag for security issue.
  • Improve styles and scripts

= Version 2.0.5 – Release June 02, 2020

  • Add CAFE Foody Booking Table widget
  • Add CAFE Foody widget

= Version 2.0.4 – Release May 10, 2020

  • Improve testimonial widget.
  • Improve banner widget. Allow disable effect.
  • Fix minor issue.

= Version 2.0.3 – Release Apr 26, 2020

  • Improve clever slider dots.
  • Improve style for Instagram widget.
  • Fix minor issue.

2.0.2 – Release Date Apr 12, 2020

  • Improve assets for Cafe pro.
  • Fixed show/hide Slide Down Menu
  • Fixed Infinity Scroll, Loadmore for widget product
  • Fixed menu out of screen when use Clever Mega Menu for Elementor

2.0.1 – Release Date March 17, 2020

  • Massive enhancement for widgets

1.0.4 – Release Date Feb 24, 2020

  • Enhanced account widget, added AJAX login
  • Fixed Templatekit button disappear after Elementor updated

1.0.3 – Release Date Feb 10, 2020

  • Fixed issues with Products widget
  • Fixed issues with Products Advanced widget
  • Fixed issues with Products Collection widget
  • Fixed HTML validator issues
  • Enhanced Account widget
  • Enhanced Banner widget
  • Enhanced sticky header

1.0.2 – Release Date Jan 31, 2020

  • Fixed issue with menu js
  • Fixed issue with customizer
  • Added more widgets
  • Enhanced widgets

1.0.1 – Release Date Jan 7, 2020

  • Enhanced UI
  • Fixed issues
  • Added more widgets

1.0.0 – Release Date Oct 16, 2019

  • Initial release.



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