Canto Testimonials

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Downloaded: 1k times

Canto Testimonials simple and effective testimonials shortcode. It’s interrogated with BxSlider.



Attributes List:

  • count (int): Amount of Testimonials at slider. Default: 3

  • fx (string): Type of transition between slides. Default: 'horizontal'

    Options: 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'fade'
  • pager (bool): If 1 (true), a pager will be added. Default: 0

    Options: '0 - False', '1 - True'
  • auto (bool): If 1 (true), Slides will automatically transition. If ‘hidecontrolonend’ is 1 (true), This option not will be work. Default: 0

    Options: '0 - False', '1 - True'
  • pause (int): The amount of time (in ms) between each auto transition. Default: 2000
  • speed (int): Slide transition duration (in ms). Default: 1000

  • hidecontrolonend (bool): If 1 (true), “Next” control will be hidden on last slide and vice-versa. Default: 1

    Options: '0 - False', '1 - True'
  • infiniteloop (bool): If 1 (true), Slides will automatically transition. If ‘hidecontrolonend’ is 1 (true), This option not will be work. Default: 0

    Options: '0 - False', '1 - True'


[canto_testimonials_slider pager=1]
[canto_testimonials_slider pause=1500]
[canto_testimonials_slider fx="fade" hidecontrolonend=0]



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