Category Posts Slider Pro allows to create responsive category posts slider on your website or blog.
The plugin allows to create category wise posts slider from native WordPress posts added to the categories.
Category Posts Slider Pro is very easy to customize and manage with various options so it can be customize to match with your website or blog.
You just need to select the categories and the posts you wish to display in the slider from the add new page of the plugin.
Two layers are displayed over the slides: Posts title and Posts excerpt. These settings you can perform from plugin settings page.
Posts featured images are displayed in the slider for each post.

Category Posts Slider Pro is a Responsive WordPress Slider plugin

to display posts slider according to the category on your website or blog.simply insert [cpsp_posts_slider_pro] in any page/post content or paste this php code <?php echo do_shortcode( '[cpsp_posts_slider_pro]' ); ?> in any template to display the slider.

This plugin supports only English(default) both in the back-end and front-end of the site.


  • Easy to install.
  • Responsive.
  • Touch support.
  • Easy to understand coding standard.
  • Easy to customize slider settings.
  • Easily compatible with any wordpress theme.
  • Text layer with post-related data.
  • Various options for categories display: horizontal, vertical, accordion.
  • Different slider options: Autoplay, loop, shuffle, thumbnail position, orientation, arrows, keyboard navigation,fade effect.
  • Load images and content dynamically from posts.
  • Pagination for the panels
  • Retina support
  • Lazy loading
  • Easy to call 1) Using shortcode [cpsp_posts_slider_pro] 2) Paste this php code <?php echo do_shortcode( '[cpsp_posts_slider_pro]' ); ?>.
  • Compatible with firefox,chrome,safari,IE.

Support & Customizations

If you have any questions regarding the plugin then feel free to contact me. You can also contact me if you need any sort of customizations in the plugin like more customization options or functional changes. Click here to contact me if you need any sort of customizations:
If you find any bugs in my plugin, let me know.
I will be glad to see your valuable reviews here which will help me to improve this wordpress plugin for you.


  • Category Posts Slider Pro settings page.
  • Add new categories posts slides page.
  • Adding new category section.
  • Frontend slider display with horizontal tab format.
  • Frontend slider display with vertical tab format.
  • Responsive slider display.
  • Responsive slider with thumbnail on top.
  • Frontend slider display with accordion format.
  • Frontend slider display with left thumbnail display.
  • Frontend slider display in tablet.


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