Category Specific RSS feed Subscription Category Specific RSS feed Subscription

Category Specific RSS feed Subscription

Created by: Tips and Tricks HQ, Ruhul Amin

Downloaded: 143k times

This WordPress Plugin allows you to present a menu with multiple RSS feed subscription option to your site’s visitors in addition to your normal RSS subscription option.

If your site covers multiple topics then your subscribed readers may get annoyed when you update your site with content that they are not interested in and they get a notification in their RSS reader.

I found that most of the time I never subscribe to a site’s RSS feed when it doesn’t have the topic/category specific subscription option, specially when the site covers multiple topics cause I don’t like to be hammered with all the unwanted content updates.

This plugin allows you to show category specific RSS feed for all your categories. Alternatively, you can configure up to 8 different custom topic specific RSS feeds.

RSS Feed for Your Tags

You can also create a tag specific RSS feed menu using this plugin. Create an rss feed menu for all of your tags on the blog using a simple shortcode.

There is an option to create a tag cloud with RSS feed of each tag also.

Tag RSS Feeds for a Specific Post/Article

You can use this plugin to show the tags and the rss feed of each tag for a particular article. This is very helpful if you currently show the tags of an article/post.

For information, updates and detailed documentation, please visit the Category specific rss feed plugin page.


There are three ways you can use this plugin:

  1. Add the Category Specific RSS Widget to your sidebar from the Widget menu
  2. Add the shortcode [category_specific_rss_menu] to your posts or pages
  3. Call the function from template files: <?php echo show_cat_specific_rss_menu(); ?>
  4. Use the [tag_specific_rss_menu] shortcode to your posts, pages, sidebar widget to add a tag specific rss feed menu
  5. Use the [tag_specific_rss_cloud] shortcode to your posts, pages, sidebar widget to add a tag cloud with rss feed of each tag



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