Category Sticky Post Category Sticky Post

Category Sticky Post

Created by: Tom McFarlin

Downloaded: 75k times

Category Sticky Post allows you to mark a post to be displayed – or stuck – to the top of each archive page for the specified

Category Sticky Post…

  • Allows you to select which category in which to stick a post
  • Will display the post on the top of the first page of the archive just like built-in sticky posts
  • Will only allow you to stick a single post per category
  • Displays whether or not a post is stuck in a category on the Post Edit dashboard
  • Provides light styling that should look good in most themes
  • Is available on each post editor page
  • Is fully localized and ready for translation

For more information or to follow the project, check out the project page.

Development Information

Category Sticky Post was built with…


  • A post marked as a 'Category Sticky' displaying at the top of an archive page
  • The new menu item for selecting which in which category to stick the given post
  • Disabled options show that a category already has a sticky post
  • The post dashboard indicating which entries are category sticky posts


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