CBX Restaurant Booking CBX Restaurant Booking

CBX Restaurant Booking

Created by: Codeboxr

Downloaded: 3k times

CBX Restaurant Booking plugin helps to create booking form and collect restaurant table booking. Strong admin panel to see booking logs, professsional looking
email template for admin and customer booking alert. You can manage booking as per branch and booking form. Shortcode powered booking form and more powerful features
like frontend Booking logs manager, multiple branch and multiple forms etc via free and pro addons.

CBX Restaurant Booking by Codeboxr

📺 Live Demo | 🌟 Upgrade to PRO | 📋 Documentation | 👨‍💻 Free Support | 🤴 Pro Support | 📱 Contact

Note: Free version has almost all feature needed for a complete table booking system.

👨🏻‍💻 Main Backend Admin Feature:

  • Global Setting Panel. Can be extended via addon plugin.
  • Booking Form Manager. Multiple form can be enabled via pro addon.
  • Branch Manager. Multiple branch can be enabled via pro addon.
  • Filter Forms by Branch
  • Single click ajax powered Booking form enable/disable without deactivating the plugin.
  • Individual Booking form setting, can be extended via addon plugin. See more Details about booking form setting section.
  • Booking Log Manager. Filter booking logs via Booking Forms and Branches, Status and Dates etc.
  • One click Shortcode copy

⚙️ Global Settings:

  • Default Form Setting
  • Form submit – Refresh or Ajax
  • Form Show after successful submission – yes/no
  • how Credit Under Form- yes/No
  • Global Email Template
  • Email Header Image
  • Email common Footer text
  • Base Color
  • Background Color
  • Body Background Color
  • Body Text Color
  • Tools
  • On Uninstall delete plugin data – yes/no

🛂 Booking Form Settings:

  • Booking Form Style
  • Minimum Party Size
  • Maximum Party Size
  • Name Required- yes/no
  • Email Required- yes/no
  • Phone Required- yes/no
  • Phone Required- yes/no
  • Custom Message after successful form submission
  • Guest user email activation -yes/no
  • Default Booking Status
  • Banned Email
  • Banned IP Address
  • Custom Text Before Form
  • Custom Text After Form
  • Booking Schedule
  • Scheduling as per week days with time slot(Repeat field)
  • Scheduling Exception as per day with time slot(Repeat field)
  • Early Booking
  • Late booking
  • Date Pre-Selection
  • Time Interval
  • Week Starts on
  • Email Alert(Admin)-New Booking Request
  • Admin Email alert -on/off
  • All possible options related to email
  • Email Alert(User)-New Booking Request
  • User Email alert -on/off
  • All possible options related to email*
  • Booking Cancel & Email Alert
  • Booking cancel – on/off
  • Booking Cancel request alert to admin if requested by user
  • Booking Canceled alert to user if admin cancel any booking or confirm any booking cancel request
  • Misc
  • Form submit – Refresh or Ajax
  • Form Show after successful submission – yes/no
  • Show Credit Under Form- yes/No
  • Booking Limit – enable/disable
  • Count for booking limit
  • Booking limit crossed custom message

👨🏻‍💼 Branch Manager:

  • Branch Name
  • Branch Description
  • Branch Address

📑 Booking Logs:

  • Backend listing of all booking logs
  • Filter option by: All, Upcoming, Previous, Today & Between dates
  • Filter option by all booking status
  • Filter by Form and Branch
  • Admin option to edit any booking and take actions

🧮 Shortcode Usages:

Shortcode Format: [cbxrbooking id="form id here"]

🀄 Widgets

  • ➡️ Classic Wedget
  • ➡️ Elementor support
  • ➡️ WPBackery(VC) Support

Our Core plugin is free and will always be free. To extends the features we have 2 Pro addon called CBX Restaurant Booking Pro Addon & CBX Restaurant Booking Frontend Manager Addon
Using the pro addons you have added some cool features and more controls.

💎 CBX Restaurant Booking Pro Features

👉 Get the pro addon

Pro Addons:

Special Note

Please noe that the plugin’s text domain is “cbxrbooking”, not “cbx-restaurant-booking” . also please note that, plugin’s folder slug or folder name is “cbx-restaurant-booking” , which means the plugin’s folder name and text domain is not same and no need to be confused any way.


  • Form Frontend Preview
  • Plugin Default backend for form listing
  • Backend Branch Listing
  • Global Setting-1 (Default Form setting)
  • Global Setting-2-1 (Global Email template)
  • Global Setting-2-2 (Global Email template)
  • Global Setting-3 (Tool)
  • Form Setting-1-1(Booking Form Style)
  • Form Setting-1-2(Booking Form Style)
  • Form Setting-1-3(Booking Form Style)
  • Form Setting-2-1(Booking Schedule)
  • Form Setting-2-2(Booking Schedule)
  • Form Setting-3-1(Admin Email Alert)
  • Form Setting-3-2(Amin Email Alert)
  • Form Setting-4-1(User Email Alert)
  • Form Setting-4-2(User Email Alert)
  • Form Setting-5-1(Booking Cancel)
  • Form Setting-5-2(Booking Cancel)
  • Form Setting-5-3(Booking Cancel)
  • Form Setting-5-4(Booking Cancel)
  • Bookinging Log
  • Bookinging Log Edit


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