COVID19 – Coronavirus Outbreak Data COVID19 – Coronavirus Outbreak Data

COVID19 – Coronavirus Outbreak Data

Created by: Priyo Mukul

Downloaded: 22k times

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus.
According to WHO( World Health Organization ), This disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. You can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face, and avoiding close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell.

This plugin displays the Coronavirus ( Covid19 ) case data of the whole world and country you care through a shortcode [ce_corona] in your WordPress post or page. You can use this shortcode with some attributes also. For example: [ce_corona data_table=true now=true compareCountry=true]. If data_table is set to false, now and ‘compareCountry’ will be false automatically.

Again, How to use it

You can use this plugin via a shortcode with some attributes.

For Example

[ce_corona], [ce_corona data_table=false], [ce_corona compareCountry=false]


[ce_corona countries=BD,US,IT]


[cec_corona], [cec_corona country_code=US], [cec_corona country_code=US states=true]


[cec_graph], [cec_graph data="us,it,bd"]

You can see how many patient(s) are confirmed, dead or recovered in the world and the country or region you select.

🔥 Documentation

Please see at Corona menu in WP Admin Panel.

🔥 Feature

  • You can search by country.
  • You can compare by country on a specific date.
  • This Plugin uses data from
  • This Plugin is free to use.

God bless the people of the world. May everyone in this world be healthy.

🔥 Credits

  • API:
  • API:

Privacy Policy:

Feel free to suggest if you have any suggestions, regarding plugin or it’s use cases.


  • Total Stats
  • Country-wise data data_table
  • Graph Comparison by Region or Only For Cases
  • New Style of Data Table with Lots of Data
  • WordPress Widget.
  • Country-wise compares for a specific date.


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