CellarWeb Privacy and Security Options CellarWeb Privacy and Security Options

CellarWeb Privacy and Security Options

Created by: Rick Hellewell / CellarWeb.com

Downloaded: 2k times

Secure your WP site with common security settings that you can selectively enable. Includes several security and anti-hacking features, plus some customization of your login screen. Disables certain functions/processes that are potential security issues. Can block some comment spam (although our Block Comment Spam plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/block-comment-spam-bots/ is more effective). Can ncrease memory allocations. Shows your current htaccess file contents with suggestions for improvements, so you can monitor any changes.

– Optionally adds directives to the WordPress virtual robots.txt file to block site scanning by AI bots. This blocks the use of your site content by those AI agents, such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, Bard, and others. It does not affect search engine scanning or any SEO, nor does it affect the user experience of your site.
– Now shows any hidden plugins (which might be malicious), plus lists all plugins with versions and status (active, inactive).

We use this on all of our managed WordPress sites, as a convenient way to secure the sites without using a bunch of different plugins.

This plugin can be downloaded for free without any paid subscription from the official WordPress repository.

BEGIN – Added by ChatBot Blocker by CellarWeb plugin (Version 1.03)

      #  Blocks ChatGPT bot scanning
            User-agent: GPTBot
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks Bard bot scanning
            User-agent: Bard
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks Bing bot scanning
            User-agent: bingbot-chat/2.0
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks Common Crawl bot scanning
            User-agent: CCBot
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks omgili bot scanning
            User-agent: Omgili
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks omgilibot bot scanning
            User-agent: Omgili Bot
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks Diffbot bot scanning
            User-agent: Diffbot
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks MJ12bot bot scanning
            User-agent: MJ12bot
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks anthropic-ai bot scanning
            User-agent: anthropic-ai
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks ClaudeBot bot scanning
            User-agent: ClaudeBot
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks FacebookBot bot scanning
            User-agent: FacebookBot
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks Google-Extended bot scanning
            User-agent: Google-Extended
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks SentiBot bot scanning
            User-agent: SentiBot
            Disallow: /
      #  Blocks sentibot bot scanning
            User-agent: sentibot
            Disallow: /<h3>END    - Added by ChatBot Blocker by CellarWeb plugin (Version 1.03)</h3>

See additional chatbot agents added in the changelog below.

htaccess Security Settings

  • Shows the current htaccess file for review. (Hackers like to change it, so it’s good to take a peek at it now and again.)
  • Some suggestions for additional htaccess commands are shown.
  • No changes are made to the htaccess file.

Wow! That’s a lot of settings!

Yep. But they are ones that we commonly use in all of our managed WP sites, so putting them into one plugin was easier than doing it manually on every site.

What if I want an additional setting?

Just add a message in the plugin’s support area. We’ll consider it.

Do you have other security-related plugins?

Yep! One of our favorites will block all comment spam – and another that blocks bots from contact forms. It’s very effective. We put it on one site that was getting a lot of comment spam, and now there is none. Not one. And we don’t get any contact form spam on sites that use the technique.

It’s called “Block Comment Spam Bots”, and can be found in the WP plugin repository. And there’s a link to it (and other plugins we’ve done) on this plugin’s Settings/Information page. The Contact Form bot-blocker is called “FormSpammerTrap”, and is available at https://www.FormSpammerTrap.com .

Check out all our plugins at https://cellarweb.com/wordpress-plugins/ .


  • Main heading screen.
  • General Settings screen.
  • AI Scanner Blocking screen (Virtual robots.txt file).
  • Security Settings - General screen.
  • Security Settings - Login Related screen.
  • htAccess File Information screen.
  • htAccess Suggestions screen.


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