Cellulant Tingg Checkout Cellulant Tingg Checkout

Cellulant Tingg Checkout

Created by: Cellulant Corporation

Downloaded: 1k times

A Woocommerce payment gateway plugin that allows merchants to integrate Tingg express checkout on their Woocommerce checkout page,
offering their customers a pan-african variety of payment options.

Use of Tingg as a Third Party Service

  • The plugin is designed to enable merchants to receive payments through Tingg Checkout which is an online payment gateway
    provided by Cellulant.
  • Upon checkout, the customer is redirected to the Tingg checkout platform where they can make their payments using Card,
    Bank Account, Bank Transfer, USSD, or Mobile Money.
  • Tingg checkout has 2 versions being supported: checkout version 2 and checkout version 3 which is the latest version.
  • Both versions are supported in the plugin as shown in step 2) of the installation process.
  • The plugin supports integration in both the test and live environments. The test environment allows merchants to test their integration
    by simulating payments while the live environment allows the merchants to collect live payments from customers on their platform.
  • The payment links for the test and live environments for version 2 and version 3 are as shown below.
    Checkout 2.8:

    • Test: https://developer.tingg.africa/checkout/v2/express/
    • Live: https://online.tingg.africa/v2/express/
      View our developer docs for checkout version 2.
      Checkout 3.0
    • Test: https://online.uat.tingg.africa/testing/express/checkout
    • Live: https://checkout.tingg.africa/express/checkout
      View our developer docs for checkout version 3.

Terms of Service


  • Edit Payment Configurations
  • Select the Tingg Checkout Version you would like to integrate.
  • Enable testmode to populate test fields with test credentials from sandbox and click on <em>save changes</em>.


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