eMail Domain Check Processor for Caldera Forms eMail Domain Check Processor for Caldera Forms

eMail Domain Check Processor for Caldera Forms

Created by: mmattel

Downloaded: 824 times

This plugin adds an eMail domain check processor to Caldera Forms.
It checks if the domain of the eMail given is most likely capable recieving eMails.
Useful to aviod misusage or mistyped eMails without additional confirmations.


  • Install and activate the plugin.
  • Define a Caldera Form layout including at least one eMail address field.
  • Go to the Caldera Form Processors tab and add this processor.
  • In Processors Settings add/select the magic eMail tag of your eMail field. Use only one tag!
  • In Processors Conditions, enable the processor.


  • How to setup this processor plugin.
  • Error message when the eMail domain most likely can't recieve eMails.


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