Changa : Personalized short-video feeds Changa : Personalized short-video feeds

Changa : Personalized short-video feeds

Created by: Changa

Downloaded: 650 times

We help you curate your posts/pages with most liked, trending and most relevent media-rich contents.

Why should you integrate Changa:

  1. Reduced Debounce Rate.
  2. Increse the amount of time spent on your site.
  3. Readers engagement with trending most liked and most relevent short-video.
  4. Works on devices of all size and shape.
  5. No effect on site load time.

Dependency on External Service

We need you to signup for our changa-biz services.
After successful signup/login we’ll help you populate your feeds with the contents of your choice.
All these contents will be served through our service at changa[].

*Note: We do not need AND we do not store any information regarding your wordpress account.
*Note: For the usage of our service – information regarding your feeds needs to be saved on your wordpress database. Deactivation will automatically erase all relevant data off your database.

Please find the link to privacy policy here
Please find the link to terms and conditions here
Please find the link to refund policy here
For any queries you may contact us here

* All these factors will in turn help improve SEO.

About Us

Changa Short Video App
India’s very own “Aatmnirbhar” platform, promoting desi talent, is here to change the dynamics of short video sharing platforms.

Being one of the best Indian apps, Changa promises a seamless interface for quick, short video sharing, enabling people to showcase their creativity and hidden talents with funny bones.

1. We enable people to showcase their talents with short video clips

2. We have thousands of creators creating millions of contents everyday.

3. We help you customize what your readers will see on feeds.


  • More UI improvements


  • Fixed Modal issues
  • Added CDN support


  • Defer Changa-script.
  • Minor bug-fix.


  • Changa Dashboard

<li>Changa Feed Creation</li></ol>
  • Changa Feed Refreshing.
  • Changa Short-code integration.
  • Changa Global Feed integration.
  • Changa Enabled Feeds
  • Changa Enabled Feeds (Responsive).


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