Chat button for ISL Pronto

Created by: David Dean

Downloaded: 557 times

Add a chat button to your site that works with ISL Pronto. Supports cloud or conference proxy installs.

Enable the chat button globally in Settings, or use the islpronto shortcode to only have it appear on certain pages.

For most sites, just edit settings under ISL Pronto and enable on all pages for a quick start.

Shortcode support

The plugin also includes shortcode support in case you want to have visitors on different pages routed to different operator groups, or just to try it out.

[islpronto domain="" filter="" offlineurl="" imagepath="" scripturl="" position=""]
  • domain – Domain name to append to the script URL. Used to direct chat requests to the right operators.
  • filter – Filter to append to script URL. Used to direct chat requests to the right operators.
  • offlineurl – The URL visitors should reach when no operators are online.
  • imagepath – Path to ISL Pronto image files for the chat button.
  • scripturl – URL of the ISL Pronto script.
  • position – Where to display the chat button on the page.



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