ChatBot for Easy Digital Downloads ChatBot for Easy Digital Downloads

ChatBot for Easy Digital Downloads

Created by: QunatumCloud

Downloaded: 946 times

What is ChatBot for Easy Digital Downloads – EDD?

ChatBot for Easy Digital Downloads – EDD is a SIMPLE and Native WordPress ChatBot with zero configuration or bot training required. This plug n’ play chatbot or conversational commerce shopbot does not require any 3rd party service integration. This is a simple ChatBot that lets your Easy Digital Downloads shoppers search and find the right product quickly. If the shopper does not find the product they are searching for, they can email the shop admin directly from the ChatBot window.

Support, Bug Fix, Feature Request

  • We welcome your feedback and new feature requests for this ChatBot for Easy Digital Downloads! *
    Let us know if you face any problem or need help with ChatBot for Easy Digital Downloads.

  • Plugin Support Page *

//-> Try our FREE ChatBot for WordPress with AI – WPBot. It is an easy to use, Native, No coding required, AI ChatBot to provide Automated Live Chat Support. Use ChatBot to answer user questions and also collect information from the users using conversational forms. It can be also be powered by DialogFlow, Tavily or OpenAI ChatGPT or simply use the built-in features to provide Live support and collect user data. ++ Check out ChatBot for WordPress Demo.


  1. Simply Activating the Plugin will start showing ChatBot for Easy Digital Downloads in the front end
  2. Go to ChatBot for Easy Digital Downloads under menu to adjust settings


  • ChatBot
  • Backend settings
  • Backend settings
  • Backend settings
  • Backend settings


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