Promote your Chrome App on your WordPress Blog!

Do you have an App in the Chrome Web Store?

Do you want a quick and easy way to Promote it through-out your wordpress blog?

Than you have come to the right plug-in!

This Plug-in Lets you add a sidebar widget to blog with the official chrome Web Store button and also adds a J-Query Plug-in that is designed to emulate Chrome’s info-bar and let your visits know that you have a chrome app!

A few highlights of the Chrome App Promoter Widget :

  • Automatically adds Chrome.Infobar style horizontal panel just above your blog’s contents.
  • Users can install your Chrome App with one click!
  • Requires a valid App already in the Google Chrome Web-Store.
  • You must add your Chrome App ID on the settings page.
  • Chrome Web-App Generator is now LIVE!
  • Widget can be added from WordPress back-end.
  • Add the Chrome App Button with a shortcode.
  • Open your blog up to the 120 million+ Google Chrome Users!

Get the Chrome App Promoter Widget NOW!


  • Plug-in is designed to emulate Chrome's info-bar and let your visits install your chrome app without leaving your blog!
  • Users can install your chrome app with one click!
  • Also add the Google Webstore Widget to promote your chrome app!
  • Adding the Google Webstore Widget is simple! Add it Under Appearance->Widgets.
  • If you don't have a Chrome App yet than use the  <a href="" title="Chrome Web-App Generator">Chrome Web-App Generator</a>!


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