CJ Revision Feedback CJ Revision Feedback

CJ Revision Feedback

Created by: Chris Johnson

Downloaded: 1k times

This plugin provides the ability to add comment blocks mid post. The use case for this is: WP is used to show clients creative documents, a single post is dedicated to a single project. Each revision is appended to the post. Adding in the CJ Revision Feedback tag will allow clients to provide feedback for a specific revision. Admin users can mark the feedback as completed and approved while adding sub-comments, and close out feedback on a revision. The plugin includes multiple customizable elements including: look and feel, email notifications, and post-specific email notifications.

Developed on version 2.8.6 so any previous versions haven’t been tested


Basic Tag Format:

[revision_feedback revision=# nobutton]

Each tag added should have a unique revision number, starting with 1 and incrementing from there.
To disable new feedback for a revision just add nobutton to the tag. This will only disable the user from adding new comments, they can view comments and the admin users can do everything still.

Sample tags:

[revision_feedback revision=1]

This tag is the first revision tag. At this point the client makes comments.
Once revision 1 is completed the tag is updated by adding the nobutton tag

[revision_feedback revision=1 nobutton]

Now the “add feedback” button will not show
At this point you would want to open comments to the next revision by adding

[revision_feedback revision=2]

rinse and repeat until the final revisions are approved

If you add the same revision number to a post the admin view (not user) will see an error message on the screen. Putting duplicate revision numbers doesn’t break anything, but will cause new/existing comments to show in two places.

Admin Features/Settings

If you visit the “settings” section of the admin page you will see a line item for CJ Revision Feedback. This details what each feature/setting is for.

Show feedback author and date

By checking this box the user id and comment date will be displayed next to each comment.

Allow Anonymous User Comments (disabling will require uses be logged in to comment)

Check this checkbox to allow anonymous users, people not logged in, to make revision comments

Layer Top Offset

This defines how many pixels below or above the clickable button the user and admin comment layer will appear. A positive number is below, a negative number is above. The top left of the button is 0 offset

Admin Layer Left Offset

This defines how many pixels to the left or right of the clickable button the admin layer should be positioned. A negative number is left, a positive number is right.

User Layer Left Offset

This defines how many pixels to the left or right of the clickable button the user layer should be positioned. A negative number is left, a positive number is right.

Send notification emails on new comments

By checking this box (and providing a default address) you will enable email notification for new user comments.

Default Notification Address (will be sent all new comment notifications)

This is the default notification address used for all new comments. This email address will receive an email for each new user comment.

Revision Editor Roles (Administrator is always an editor)

This setting gives you the ability to specify which user types to consider as an admin. An “admin” is a user who can make sub-comments, and mark a comment as completed or approved.

Post Specific Email Notification Addresses

It is possible to specify email notification addresses on a per post basis. This enables sending new comment notifications to non-default addresses scoped to the specific post.

To do this create a new custom field named “notification_addresses” with the value as a comma seperated list of email addresses. For example: email1@email.com,email2@email.com, email3@email.com
(You can add spaces between email addresses)

Customizing the look and feel


You can customize the buttons by replacing the gif images in the cj-revision-feedback folder.


You can customize the colors of the comment layers and some of the positioning by editing the CSS file in the cj-revision-feedback folder.


  • This is a screen shot of the user comment screen
  • This is a screen shot of the admin comment screen
  • This is a screen shot of a comment after completion.
  • This is a screen shot of the admin settings screen


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