Climate Content Pool

Created by: Aptivate

Downloaded: 1k times

The Climate Tagger Content Pool Plugin for WordPress is a simple, FREE and
easy-to-use way to upload your posts to the “Content Pool” of the well-known
Climate Tagger API. The API has been
helping knowledge-driven web sites better catalogue, categorize, contextualize
and connect their data with that from the broader climate knowledge community
since 2011. Through its “Content Pool” Climate Tagger allows organizations to
easily connect their data and information resources with other Climate Tagger
users. By uploading your posts to the “Content Pool” of the Climate Tagger, you
will make your content available to a large audience of users looking for
climate-related information.

After installation, a tick-box will appear on the screen where you add or edit
your posts, which will allow you to send the post content to the Content Pool.

Follow this project on Github


This plugin uses wp-cli and PHPUnit for testing.
The tests require runkit for mocking functions.

  • Grab the latest source from github:

    $ git clone

  • Install wp-cli

  • Install PHPUnit
  • Set up runkit:

    $ git clone
    $ cd runkit
    $ phpize
    $ ./configure
    $ sudo make install

Add the following lines to /etc/php5/cli/php.ini:
  • Install the test WordPress environment:

    cd climate-content-pool
    bash bin/ test_db_name db_user ‘db_password’ db_host version


    test_db_name is the name for your **temporary** test WordPress database
    db_user is the database user name
    db_password is the password
    db_host is the database host (eg `localhost`)
    version is the version of WordPress (eg `4.2.2` or `latest`)
  • Run the tests



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