Coachific Shortcode Coachific Shortcode

Coachific Shortcode

Created by: Coachific

Downloaded: 836 times

Allows the use of a special short code [coachific] for embedding Coachific functionality. It’s best to grab the shortcode and the user hash from the Coachific Widget Manager and manage hashes on the WordPress user manager.

[coachific userhash=”z7w4r7″ login=”false”]

The userhash value is obtained from Coachific and can be specified in the shortcode for a specific user or for multiple users leave the shortcode blank and manage the user hash on the WordPress user manager.

[coachific userhash="" login="false"]


  • Usage of shortcode example
  • Where to get shortcode
  • Managing hashes in Wordpress
  • Example shortcode output
  • Prompt for Wordpress login


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