CommentSafe plug-in helps to stop spam comments by giving time delay in posting comments. As seen many bloggers visits website and post generic comments so frequently without devoting their time to read the entire piece of content, which is not justifiable since writer give their precious time to develop good quality of content. The main goal of such commentators is to generate backlinks from comments.
This plugin will give time delay, thus ‘Post Comment’ button won’t be active for pre-determined time. Blog publisher can set custom time based on the length of the blog post. CommentSafe plugin allows publisher to enter custom time (in seconds) for individual articles in ‘Add Post’ section. It will also stop spam comments given by bots. Since it will give delay even anyone uses automated software to break captcha. Its subsequent version will be fully beneficial for SEO & Affiliate Marketing.

Visit Author’s Blog for more information: Inviul
Visit WordPress Idea Page: Idea contribution by Avinash Mishra


  • <p>CommentSafe Default Settings.JPG
It is the default timer settings page. When you don't set custom time on any post then default timer will work.</p>
  • <p>CommentSafe Custom Timer in Add New Post.JPG
It is available in Post Editor section where you give custom timer based on post's length.</p>
  • <p>Please wait timer to Post Comment button.JPG
'Post Comment' button will be disabled for specific time (in seconds)</p>


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