Content Sidebars Content Sidebars

Content Sidebars

Created by: Tony Hayes

Downloaded: 2k times

Use Content Sidebars to give an instant boost to your Layout and Call-to-Action options.
Automatically add Widget Sidebars to your Content display area, inside and out!

Improve Subscriber Conversions, Call-to-Actions, Visitor Experience, AdSense Revenue,
Design Layout flexibility and sex drive all in one plugin (wait no, forget that last one.)

  1. Subscribe or Call-to-Action Widget Areas – Top of Post and Bottom of Post Content
  2. Visitor Targeting – Login Visitor and Logged-In User Sidebars for Offers and Navigation
  3. Easy Widgets in Posts – Shortcodes for using Widgets within your Post Content
  4. Boost Ads and AdSense Revenue and CTRs – InPost Sidebars for Contextual Advertising

You can safely activate this plugin and create additional Sidebars and thus Widget Areas
to use instantly – regardless of your existing theme. See the Frequently Asked Questions
for usage notes on better integration with your Theme.

Additional Sidebars (Widget Areas) available through Content Sidebars:

  1. Above Post Content — ie. above the_content() output (or other hook position)
  2. Below Post Content — ie. below the_content() output (or other hook position)
  3. Login Sidebar ——– a Login Sidebar shown only to Visitors (Logged Out Users)
  4. Fallback Sidebar —– a fallback Sidebar shown to Return Visitors (Logged In Users)
  5. 3 Shortcode Sidebars – use Sidebars/Widgets on posts/pages via simple shortcodes
  6. 3 InPost Sidebars —- for automatic contextual advertising, eg. Google Adsense

All Sidebars persist between Theme activations/deactivations, making theme conversions
easier too – no need to add all the Widgets again or even move them.

There are also PerPost overrides available via the Content Sidebars metabox for each post
type on the post writing/editing screen to enable/disable any of these sidebars for that page.

Filters and Widget plugins are available for advanced display and output logic for all
sidebars, giving even further flexible options to when and which sidebars are displayed.

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Above/Below Content Sidebarsfor Subscribe / Join / Call-to-Action Offers

Adding these sidebars creates an excellent space to encourage visitor registration or
mailing list subscriptions or other call-to-action offers. Using registration or
subscriber widgets in these places can have better results than places them in your
standard sidebar locations. To take a relevent parallel, split tests show that the
headline and the PS sections of salespages are the most often looked at, so using
these spaces wisely on any webpage is a must.

The Above/Below Sidebars work either via Template Action Hooks or Content Filters methods.
Either method can be used with any theme. The Template Action Hook defaults are preconfigured
for immediate use with BioShip Child Theme Framework

Login Sidebarfor Easy Return Visitor Login

Allowing returning visitors to login from any page on your site rather than having to
go to a specific login page increases your site’s usability and accessibility. And of
course having this sidebar automatically not show for already logged in users, or show
different content in it’s place (see next) are further good ideas.

Logged In Sidebarfor User Fallback and Member Offers

This was created so you can have different content for Logged In Users (eg. your Members)
so that you can display for example a Join Us / Signup / Register Widget for new visitors
and after they have signed up and logged in, show Members Area links or offers in their
place instead. A very handy professional touch.

Shortcode Sidebarsfor Easy Widgets in Pages or Posts

The three Shortcode Sidebars can be used via WordPress shortcodes in your post content,
or by adding a shortcode sidebar call to your theme template files or plugins.
eg. [shortcode-sidebar-1] will call any Widgets dropped in Shortcode Sidebar 1.

InPost Sidebarsfor Contextual Advertising Magic

InPost Sidebars are spaced evenly throughout your paragraph text at whichever positions
you like, for whichever Post Types you choose. For example: Drop an AdSense Widget or
Advertising Widget or other HTML advertising block in each Sidebar (3 available) to show
these sidebars periodically throughout your post content. Awesome.

Discreet Text Widgetfor better Shortcode output in Sidebars

Using shortcode in text widgets has the advantage of being able to easily use custom code
in your Sidebars. However, in different conditions you may want this shortcode to display
nothing at all. If you were using a normal text widget it would still output the empty widget
(with title etc.) – but with a Discreet Text Widget, if the shortcode returns empty the widget
does not output at all. So this useful type of widget as been included with Content Sidebars.
Credit: Hackadelic Discreet Text Widget Plugin

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WordQuest Alliance Plugins

Looking for an awesome theme? Check out my child theme framework:
BioShip Child Theme Framework


For support or if you have an idea to improve this plugin:
Content Sidebars Support Quests


To make a donation for a feature request, or to activate a supporter subscription:
Content Sidebars Donation


To contribute directly to development, fork on Github and do a pull request:
Content Sidebars on Github

Planned Updates/Features

  • Subcriber Recognition code via Cookie detection option
  • Smart Filters to hide Subscription Widgets from Subscribed Visitors


  • A screenshot example of the default Content Sidebar Layout Positions.
  • A screenshot example of an InPost paragraphs Content area.
  • A screenshot of the post Sidebar Override Metabox.


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