Contributors' Posts Contributors' Posts

Contributors' Posts

Created by: Simone "Magicianred" Paolucci

Downloaded: 2k times

This plugin is useful for those who want to add to your blog Columnists or other Characters without having to create new WordPress Users, you can associate these contributors also to pages and posts.

It can also be useful to writers who wish to create posts that relate to the characters in their stories, or as if they were the characters of their own stories to write them.

With this plugin you can add Contributors’ Posts, Contributors and, through shortcode, add content to posts, or through widgets, add to the sidebar lists or details of contributors and their posts.

Plugin localized with PoEdit.
Localization made: Italian (me).

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ToDo Section

Nothing to do at the moment. I accept your suggestions.


  • Show of Admin List of Contributors Posts
  • Show of Admin List of Contributors ( with plugin 'Taxonomy Images' active )
  • Show the Admin Widget 'Contributors List' setting
  • Show the Widget 'Contributors List' in Sidebar with 1 Posts for each Contributors
  • Show the Admin Widget 'Contributors Info' setting
  • Show the Widget 'Contributors Info' in Sidebar with 1 Posts
  • Show the Admin Widget 'Contributors Info [Random]' setting
  • Show the Page edit with the shortcode for show the lists of Contributors and Posts
  • Show the Page view with the shortcode for show the lists of Contributors and Posts
  • Show the Page edit with the shortcode for show the Contributors Info and Posts
  • Show the Page view with the shortcode for show the Contributors Info and Posts
  • Show the Page for show the contributors posts ( custom of single.php of theme twentyeleven )
  • Show the Page for show the archive of contributors posts ( custom of archive.php of theme twentyeleven )
  • Show Contributors Posts Settings page for personalizze your HTML div contributor box and others
  • Contributors can be associate to others post type.
  • New settings for contributors posts: Contributors associate with others post types, merge contributors posts in category, tag and search results,
attive/disattive plugin special page for show contributors posts and contributor post archive.


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