Conversion Tracking for WooCommerce

Created by: Kent Davidson

Downloaded: 916 times

This plugin requires WooCommerce to operate. Instrumenting analytics for your cart should be straightforward and use standard JavaScript. This plugin aims to solve this to allow you to use your own JavaScript or a tag management solution to integrate your analytics tracking. The idea is that the page outputs the variables you need, sanitized and ready to consume in JavaScript, and you simply pass them along to the analytics packages.

This plugin does not do anything except publish the values you need as JavaScript variables; to make it useful you need to incorporate it into an analytics package and refer to the variables.

Currently, it populates the global variable window.WCPAYLOAD with an object structure which, at a minimum, has a member type which determines the structure.

The possible values for type are:

  • cart
  • checkout
  • order-confirmation

The types cart and checkout are nearly identical and place the majority of the values in the cart member. order-confirmation is similar, but places the majority of the values in the order member.

You can view the source file output-samples.php in the plugin directory to see samples of the structure that is output. Values and types should be self-explanatory, they are output directly using WooCommerce API calls.




Kent Davidson



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