Cookie banner plugin for WordPress – Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics Cookie banner plugin for WordPress – Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics

Cookie banner plugin for WordPress – Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics

Created by: Usercentrics A/S

Downloaded: 4274k times

Cookiebot Consent Management Platform (CMP) provides an easy to use and fully automated cookie banner for WordPress sites. It enables compliance with the GDPR, DMA, LGPD, CCPA and other privacy regulations. It also helps build trust with website visitors by giving them more control over their personal data.

Cookiebot CMP is one of the few WordPress cookie consent plugins that seamlessly integrates with Google Tag Manager and Google Consent Mode to help ensure you get higher quality, more compliant data. It’s highly customizable, easy to implement and enables you to automate compliant user consent collection and signaling on your websites. Cookiebot CMP uses industry-leading scanning technology to detect and control all cookies and trackers on your website, minimizing the risk of noncompliance.

Cookiebot CMP and the WordPress Plugin are designed to be used by both technical and non-technical teams that value automation and reliable scalability.


💫 Highly customizable

Customize your WordPress cookie banner to match your site design and optimize user experience. Enable visitors to opt in or out of individual cookie categories.

🚀 Automated cookie scan

Employ regular automated scanning to detect and update cookies and tracking technologies in use on your website to keep notifications and compliance up to date.

🌟 Automated cookie policy

Create your cookie policy effortlessly. Publish our automatically updated cookie declaration on your privacy page.
Your cookie policy will remain detailed and accurate at all times. Visitors stay informed about your cookie use as required by data privacy laws, and can make better data privacy choices.

✅ Integration with Google Consent Mode

Keep running EU advertising campaigns with the seamless Google Consent Mode integration. Collect valid user consent that’s signaled to Google Ads and Google Analytics to ensure continued conversion tracking and analytics optimization.

Learn more

⚡ Automatic cookie blocking

Automatically block cookies and trackers until user consent is obtained.

🌎 Compliance with regulations and frameworks

Our WordPress cookie banner enables you to comply with the following regulations and frameworks:

  • DMA (EU)
  • ePrivacy Directive (EU)
  • LGPD (Brazil)
  • POPIA (South Africa)
  • CCPA and CPRA (California)
  • VCDPA (Virginia)
  • TCF v2.2 (EU)

🇺🇸 CCPA and CPRA compliance setup

To comply with the CCPA and CPRA, add a “Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information” link to the cookie policy declaration.

🔗Easy integration with CMS platforms

The Cookiebot CMP can be integrated seamlessly with all popular CMS platforms, such as WordPress, Shopify, Drupal, Adobe Experience Manager and more.

🟠 Consent widget

Enable visitors to update their consent with our user-friendly widget.

🔒 Secure data storage

Securely store user consent data in our cloud-based environment, with EU-based servers.

📥 Data download option

Comply with data subject requests (DSRs) by providing an option to download user consent information as needed.

💬 Supports 47+ languages

Display the cookie banner and cookie policy in localized languages to users from all over the world for clarity and better user experience.

Google-certified CMP

Ensure that you can continue serving ads to users in the European Union, European Economic Area, or the UK with Cookiebot CMP. Cookiebot’s™ consent solution has been assessed and certified by Google against certification criteria focused on compliance with the IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF). Learn more.

Support and updates

The Cookiebot CMP WordPress plugin is regularly updated and managed by our in-house Product Team to help you keep your business website compliant with relevant privacy regulations at all times.

If you have questions or need support with the cookie banner, visit our Help Center or contact us.

Copyright and Trademarks

Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics is a registered trademark of Usercentrics A/S.

About Cookiebot™ and Usercentrics

In September 2021, Cybot (primary owner of the Cookiebot CMP) and Usercentrics unified their operations to create a powerful global force to provide solutions to help businesses comply with privacy regulations, protect their users’ data privacy, and continue to get the data they need for marketing operations. Our unified company is now known as Usercentrics.

Usercentrics is a global market leader in the field of consent management and preference management solutions. We enable businesses to collect, manage and document user consent on websites, apps and connected platforms in order to achieve full compliance with global privacy regulations while facilitating high consent rates and building trust with their customers.

Our consent technology is trusted by public and private organizations in over 180 countries, in use on over 1.4 million websites.

Learn more about Cookiebot CMP
Learn more about Usercentrics

Copyright and Trademarks

The Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics is a registered trademark of Usercentrics A/S.


  • Set up the Cookiebot CMP plugin using our easy-to-navigate dashboard
  • Automatically block cookies and trackers until user consent is given
  • Easily set a Google Tag Manager ID on your site
  • Activate Google Consent Mode to measure conversions and collect data
  • Enable the IAB TCF v2.0 on your website with a single click
  • Set up multiple configurations to enable compliance with two or more privacy regulations at once (e.g. GDPR and CCPA)
  • Visit our extensive Help Center or contact us for assistance


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