CSS Flags library

Created by: Per Soderlind

Downloaded: 1k times

The CSS Flags plugin / library for WordPress loads a dynamicaly created CSS with responsive flags.

Note: CSS Flags is not a standalone plugin/library, To display the flags you will have to add code to your theme using your own plugin or theme functions.php

You can view the flags at my site

Sample CSS:

.css-flag.sami {
    background-image: url('');
    height: 100%;
    width: 134.666666667%;
    background-size: 100% 100%;
.css-flag.sami-landscape {
    height: 100%;
    width: 134.666666667%;
.css-flag.sami-portrait {
    height: 74.2574257426%;
    width: 100%;


The total CSS file size is 4 MB, and you don’t want to send all that data back to the users, so you must use one of the following filters in your plugin or theme.

css_flags_countries: Load flags for one or more countries

add_filter('css_flags_countries', function() {
    return array('no'); // Array with ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 country codes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements

css_flags_regions: Load the flags for one or more regions. You can choose between europe, oceania, africa, asia, northamerica, southamerica and middleeast.

add_filter('css_flags_regions', function() {
    return array('europe'); //europe, oceania, africa, asia, northamerica, southamerica, middleeast

css_flags_exclude: Exclude some countries from the list. This filter must be used in combination with the css_flags_countries or css_flags_regions filters

add_filter('css_flags_exclude', function() {
    return array('eu');

css_flags_cachetime: Change the cache time, default it’s 7200 (60x60x2 = 2 hours)

add_filter('css_flags_cachetime', function() {
    return 172800; // 2 days

If you must (but you shouldn’t), you can load all the CSS flags using the following:

add_filter('css_flags_countries', function() {
    return array('all'); // load all country flags (don't it's 4MB)

More information at GitHub


The original CSS file is from http://www.phoca.cz/cssflags/. If you only need the CSS file, grab it there.



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