Custom Field Builder – WordPress custom fields plugin Custom Field Builder – WordPress custom fields plugin

Custom Field Builder – WordPress custom fields plugin

Created by: kirillbdev

Downloaded: 843 times

Custom Field Builder is a powerful and lightweight developer plugin to create custom meta boxes and custom fields for WordPress.


• Many free custom fields (regular updating and adding new fields).
• Easy to install and very easy to use.
• Pure and clean code (increase your admin performance).



Available fields

• Textbox
• Textarea
• Select
• Media (image, attachments)
• Logic (checkbox may only “true” or “false”)
• Color picker
• Repeater
• Checkbox group
• Date picker
• Post relationship


Watch this short video tutorial

Add the following code to your functions.php (or in any convenient file).

    add_action('cf_builder_init', function ($cfBuilder) {
            'id'          => 'custom_fields',
            'title'       => 'Custom Field Builder example',
            'post_type'   => 'post',
            'position'    => 'normal',
            'priority'    => 'high',
            'fields'      => [

                'author_name' => [
                    'type'    => 'textbox',
                    'title'   => 'Author name'

                'author_bio' => [
                    'type'    => 'textarea',
                    'title'   => 'Author bio'


You also can include your custom template in php file. For example:

    add_action('cf_builder_init', function ($cfBuilder) {

** See all fields example in examples/base-fields-template.php in plugin directory! **


  • Register custom fields template in functions.php file.
  • Custom fields
  • Repeater field


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