This plug-in allow displaying an alternative regular or conditionnal message or popup when an elementor form is successfuly sent.


Display an alternative success message or popup for a specific condition (or in the regular case).

At this time, conditionnal functionnality is working with multi-checkboxes fields and allow to compare if a specific value is include in a particular field.

Usage Instruction

1 – Simply select “Custom Success Message” in your elementor form “after sent actions” field.

2 – Choose if you want to display a text/html message or a popup for both regular and conditionnal success form submission.

3 – Enter the content you want to display or indicate the popup ID you want opening for both regular and conditionnal scenarios.

4 – If using the conditionnal functionnality, indicate the ID of the field you want to check if it contain the conditionnal value (the key on format key|value on multi-options fields). You can choose if this value must be exclusive or not (the unique value).



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