Custom Frames Custom Frames

Custom Frames

Created by: Blake

Downloaded: 2k times

Custom Frames allows you to easily create a picture frame without having to write any code. You can add the frame to pictures by using the shortcode [customframe].


  • Border settings page to control the frames border
  • Shadow settings page to control the frames shadow
  • Caption settings page to how a caption would interact with the frame
  • Easy to use shortcode to place the frame around a picture


Custom Frames uses the shortcode [customframe] in order to specify which picture to apply the frame to.

The following shortcode accepts 5 attributes.
[customframe src=”” height=”” width=”” caption=”” class=””]

The src attribute is required and should be the url to the picture.
The height attribute is optional and is used to define the height of the picture. The default value is 300.
The width attribute is optional and is used to define the width of the picture. The default value is 450.
The caption attribue is optional and is used to add a caption to the picture.
The class attribue is optional and is used to add a css class to the picture frame.


  • Shows the settings page for the border
  • Shows the settings page for the shadow
  • Shows the settings page for the caption
  • Shows the shortcode and its accepted attributes


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