Custom Login Custom Login

Custom Login

Created by: Austin Passy

Downloaded: 1318k times

Note: as of Custom Login 4.1, PHP >= 8.0 is required.

Custom Login 3.0 was 200% faster than version 2.0, and version 4.0 is now even better!

For more information visit the official Custom Login page.

Austin and the Frosty Media team will always try our best to support the Custom Login plugin on the forum, but please note that we can not guarantee a response in a timely manner. If you have an issue we would appriciate you using GitHub or purchasing priority support on our site.

Any extensions purchased on Frosty Media (not hosted on will not be supported on the forum. You can always browse our small but growing documentation for further assistance. You need a valid license key to make support submissions on our site. We thank you in advance.

Bug Reports
Bug reports for Custom Login are welcomed on GitHub.



There are currently 7 premium extensions available, with more coming (suggestions welcome – and will be offered for free to said user).

Extensions available now

Extensions in development/extension ideas

  • Email Logins for usernames.
  • 2-step Authentication.
  • “Super User” only access for client sites.
  • Added in core as of version 3.0 Remove default WordPress login CSS.
  • Submit button styles!
  • Added as of version 3.2 Custom Login pre-made settings templates AKA Style Packs.

More info

Activate the plugin and customize your WordPress login screen. It’s as easy as modifying a few settings, there is no need to understand CSS at all. Custom Login even has a HTML, CSS & jQuery textarea for more advanced customizations.

  1. Works great for client site installs.
  2. Read more about Custom Login 4.1
  3. Read more about Custom Login 4.0
  4. Read more about Custom Login 3.1

For those looking to show off your login screen, check out the Flickr group! Share you designs with the community!


Hooks and Filters

Coming Soon.


  • <p>Custom Login v3 Design Settings part 1.</p>
  • <p>Custom Login v3 Design Settings part 2.</p>
  • <p>Custom Login v3 General Settings.</p>
  • <p>Custom Login Extensions Installer (an active license key is required).</p>


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