Custom Post Layout Custom Post Layout

Custom Post Layout


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Custom Post Type Layout is originally designed to create layout for post or any custom types.

It comes with two default layout Grid and List.

Create shortcode using custom post type layout and used of that shortcode to convert in your layout.


Generate shortcode
category and taxonomy available for default post and custom post type
1 to 4 column available
Show publish date option available
Date format textbox available for dateformat
Show comment count option available
Number pagination available
OrderBy and Order Options available.
Display full text or except option available
Read more button text field available for read more link
Support in Gutenberg.
Support in classic editor.

Get Involved

ViitorCloud believes in active community support. So, with our plugins, we aim to try to make life easy for developers & customers. Subscribe to our newsletter for more updates.

Advance Features (Pro Version)

  1. Four different layout (Grid, List, ZigZag, Masonry) available.
  2. Compatible with Gutenberg editor and classic editor.
  3. 1 to 4 column available.
  4. Number,Ajax Load More and infinite scroll pagination available
  5. OrderBy and Order Options available.
    Please visit Custom Post Layout Pro to buy.


  • Custom Post Type Layout menu
  • Creating/Editing shortcode for Custom Post Type Layout
  • Adding Custom Post Type Layout shortcode in Gutenberg editor
  • Adding Custom Post Type Layout shortcode  in Classic editor
  • Display Post data on page


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