Custom Post Type Parents Custom Post Type Parents

Custom Post Type Parents

Created by: MIGHTYminnow & Mickey Kay

Downloaded: 12k times

Compatible with PHP 8.2

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This plugin is meant to solve the problem of highlighting “parent” pages for Custom Post Types in the menu and lists of pages. It integrates with custom menu output as well as output for any functions like wp_list_pages() that utilize the page_css_class or nav_menu_css_class filters. When viewing a custom post type, the assigned “parent page” will be indicated with standard WordPress classes (e.g. current_page_item) in navigation menus and lists of pages.


  1. In the admin, navigate to Settings > Custom Post Type Parents
  2. For each custom post type, use the dropdown to select a “parent page”

Menus and lists of pages will now have the appropriate classes applied to the specified parent pages. Additionally, Custom Post Type Parents will apply these classes to Simple Section Navigation widgets, if the plugin is installed.


Custom Post Type Parents applies the following classes to parent and ancestor pages (all classes are consistent with default WordPress classes and are backwards compatible).

* current-menu-parent
* current_page_parent
* current-custom-post-type-parent
* current-{post type}-parent

* current-menu-ancestor
* current_page_ancestor
* current-custom-post-type-ancestor
* current-{post type}-ancestor



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