This plugin will display team members of your company using shortcode on your post or page. You just need to post members details same way as you add a new post. And everything will be there automatically. Use Team Management menu to add new member and see team-members page. It’s shortcode enabled, responsive and easy to use. You can change to Gridview display of members from Settings page. There are few other options too.

Recommended Plugins

  • Post Types Order – With Post Types Order, you can reorder your team members easily, it’s just drag and drop.

Plugin Features

  • You can add/edit member detail same way as post add/edit.
  • Responsive layout.
  • Shortcode enabled.
  • Settings page with Ajax save.
  • Members pagination with ajax loading.
  • Excellent CSS3 modern effects.
  • Easy to customize (if needed).
  • Automatic members page creation.
  • Option to specify number of team members to display.
  • Custom CSS option.

How To Use

  1. Install / Activate the plugin
  2. Add Team Members from Management Team menu on Dashboard.
  3. See Team Members page.
  4. Use Settings page to changes settings and custom CSS
  5. Use [cmt-content]your content here[/cmt-content] to show some content before or after shortcode [team-members] or [team-members-profile] – it’ll position the content correctly.
  6. If you use single profile on single page and get 404 Not Found for single full profile page, you need to flush permalink. Just go to Dashboard->Settings->Permalink , then click on Save button. You don’t need anything to change.



  • Team Members page view.
  • Team Members Profile page view.
  • Settings Page view.


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