Customer List Customer List

Customer List

Created by: Zworthkey

Downloaded: 642 times

This plugin helps the woocommerce shop owners to search for customer by their mobile numbers. Plugin creats a list of customers which contains name, id, mobile, email, total amount spent and with specific page to show all the order palced by that customer which is attached to the view option on the table.

Order list contains all the order placed by customer with orderd date, status, Payement Menthod and specific view option which leads to edit page of order.

Purpose of this plugin to create a replica of woocommerce default customer list and add some features to help to shop owners to find the right customers effortlessly and view the order placed by them in a simplest manner possible.

Key Features of this plugin

  • It gives list of all user type customer with mobile numbers.

  • Search is default can seach any of the entry in particular table.

  • View order takes to new page which conists of all the order placed by that particular customer including the price and payement menthod and order status.

  • Order’s list view option will lead user to the particular order edit page.

Note: Specficly this plugin seacrh for the user of wordpress who’s user role is customer and place at least one order.


  • <p>Customer List</p>
  • <p>Order List</p>


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