Cybersoldier Cybersoldier


Created by: Mattias Kallio

Downloaded: 1k times

Cybersoldier is a text based battle rap plugin for WordPress. Basic usage is:
Register a user, and create a “CyberSoldier character dude thingie”.
Find some one to battle.
Create a new battle and go to that battle to start battling. (stuff about moms, and/or ugliness might be a good place to start, but be nice.)
Emails are sent to nemesieses… nemesi? …the one you battle and you to when the other one replies.
Battle is over either when set number of lines are written or set time is out. (ie 10 and 24 hours)

Demo and Download: []


Adds a new user type: cybersoldier, other than that it’s common wp users that battle eachother.
A bunch of shortcodes to be used where suited:
Battles list

To add a battles list to a page, or maybe in a widget or where ever you want it. Use
It can be used in a couple of different ways, you can use the parameters:
ie: [battles_list numberposts=3 content=false images=true]
User page

If a user is logged in the user page can be added to any page. The cybersoldier userpage is also added to the bottom of the ordinary wordpress user page in admin.
Player page

More or less just add this shortcode to a page named cybersoldier, and choose that page as to player page in the settings above.
Soldiers on this site

If you want a list of all the cybersolidiers on the page, use this shortcode:
It can have these parameters.
numberposts = -1. How many soliders to show.
content = false. Show the desription of the player or not.
admin_is_player. If the administrator is one of the players or not. (overrides the setting above in the settings section)
images = true. Displaying the images or not.
Random quote

Adds a randow quote to, where ever it’s placed, ie in a widget or a page. [random_line]

Active Contributors

  • Mattias P Kallio
  • Screenshots

    • My Page, setting up your Cybersoldier.
    • Battle Page where the battle is being, well battled if that's a word.
    • Admin Page with a few settings and instructions for shortcodes etc.


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