Dadevarzan WordPress Common

Created by: Dadevarzan Team

Downloaded: 14k times

Dadevarzan Common Plugin
– Add file ShortCode For ACF
[acf-file field="ACF_Field" property="size"]
[acf-file field="ACF_Field" property="url"]
[acf-file field="ACF_Field" property="title"]
[acf-file field="ACF_Field" property="filename"]
[acf-file field="ACF_Field" property="type"]
[acf-file field="ACF_Field" property="caption"]
[acf-file field="ACF_Field" property="description"]

– Add ShortCode For Date Filter in Archives
[dv-date-filter post_type="post"]
– Add ShortCode to display All taxonomies hierarchically in an unordered list style
[dv-all-tax taxonomy="taxonomy_slug"]
– Add ShortCode to display related taxonomies to a specific post
[dv-tax slug='TAXONOMY_SLUG' field='term_id|name|slug' seperator=',']

  • Display product attribute short codes for single page
    [display_attribute attribute="color"]
  • Enabled mega menu in beaver theme
  • Allowed access to Appearance > Menu and Widgets to Editor & Shop manager roles
  • Allowed access to Gravity forms to Editor & Shop manager roles
  • Added Banner image, International title and Catalog file to WooCommerce product with ACF
  • Added Banner image to WooCommerce product Category and Tag with ACF
  • Added Ability to use shortcode in Beaver builder custom CSS class
  • Added Dadevarzan Custom Font Icon to Beaver builder Icon set.
  • Added lots of farsi/persian Fonts to Beaver builder.



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