Database Debugging Tools for Developers Database Debugging Tools for Developers

Database Debugging Tools for Developers

Created by: Magenta Cuda

Downloaded: 2k times

These tools are intended to be used by WordPress developers for testing and debugging.

The backup tool lets you do a quick backup of individual MySQL tables by duplication into the same database, i.e. using “CREATE TABLE copy LIKE orig; INSERT INTO copy SELECT * FROM orig;”.
Useful for testing when you know only some tables will be changed so you don’t have to save and restore the entire database.
Most useful for repeated testing, i.e. backup table(s), test, restore table(s), test, restore table(s), … test, restore table(s), delete backup.

The diff tool shows the rows in the selected tables that were inserted, updated or deleted.
For updated rows the columns that have changed values have the values highlighted – red for the original value and green for the new value.
Although large values are truncated in table cells the full value is available by clicking on the table cell.
Further, serialized values are prettified using JSON.stringify( value, 4 ).
The diff tool is intended for viewing the effect on the database tables of a small number of WordPress operations,
i.e. it is not suitable for testing a large number of WordPress operations.

Please visit for a very quick introduction.

This plugin requires at least PHP 5.4.


  • Backup Tool
  • Diff Tool
  • Diff Tool - Detail View


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