DBMaker DBMaker


Created by: Toshiyuki Kawashima

Downloaded: 888 times

This plugin make simple database from csv.
Import from csv files to custom post type.


  • you can make database from csv file
  • import over 10000 records from csv file
  • delete all data records
  • support custom fields and taxonomies
  • sort and search data in backend
  • support shortcode for search form and result list in frontend
  • import from csv, insert only. update record not supported.


Create Database

  1. Select DataBase Maker in admin menu. Add new post.
  2. Title is database name, it is displayed admin menu.
  3. Content is frontend search form. If content is empty, default form inserted.

Edit csv settings

  1. post_type is database type
  2. format is column names order in csv files. comma separated. see column names
  3. status is default post status.
  4. character encoding is csv file’s encodeing
  5. “skip lines” : skip n lines
  6. “public access” is data status. if it is checked, public access from frontend.
  7. save post.

Import data from csv file

  1. Select your database name in admin menu.
  2. Select csv file and push “read csv”, start importing.
  3. Display progress bar, please wait for a while.

Data operation in admin menu

  • keyword search target all columns
  • taxonomy filter supported
  • title, date and custom fields support sorting.
  • Delete all data supported

Create search form for frontend

  1. Select DataBase Maker, edit database
  2. edit contents, see Short codes
  3. save contents then view posts

Column names

  • post_title: title of the post
  • post_author: (login or ID) The user name or user ID number
  • post_date:
  • post_excerpt:
  • post_status:
  • post_password:
  • post_name:
  • post_parent:
  • menu_order:
  • tax_{taxonomy}: (string, comma separated) Any field prefixed with tax_ will be used as a custom taxonomy.
  • {custom_field_key}: Any other column labels used as custom field.

Short codes


Create form tag for search. This code is enclosing.


  • post_type : required Search database post_type.
  • posts_per_page : default: 5
  • pager : This option set not empty string, pager support. default: ”


Create checkboxes for taxonomy


  • name : requried taxonomy name.(No “tax_” prefix)


Create select tag for taxonomy.


  • name : requried taxonomy name.(No “tax_” prefix)
  • multiple : This option set not empty string, multiple select box. default: ”
  • size : Select tag size.


Create text input box


  • name : Set search target column name. ‘s’ is target all columns. default : ‘s’
  • required : true or false. default : ‘false’


Display search result table. This code need outside of dbm_search.


  • label : th tag names, comma separated.
  • data : column names, comma separated.


Output pager


  • label : pager button label. default : ‘first, prev, next, last’

Arbitrary section


  • csv settings
  • data list in admin menu
  • search form editor
  • search form in frontend


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