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dbug() dlog() ddbug()

dbug Basics


Call with up to three arguments:
// output a variable
dbug( $var );

    // output a variable with a title           
    dbug( $debug, 'Testing' );

    // output a variable with a title and information from the last 6 steps from debug_backtrace
    dbug( $somevalue, 'Trying to figure some shit out', 6 );

or use ddbug to dbug and die.

Error Logging

Call with up to three arguments:
// log a variable
dlog( $val );

    // log a variable with a title
    dlog( $buggy, 'what is $buggy' );

    // log a variable with a title into the file 'bug_trap' 
    dlog( $somevalue, 'im desperate', 'bug_trap' );

Production / Development Environments

you should have them



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