Custom Post Carousels with Owl Custom Post Carousels with Owl

Custom Post Carousels with Owl

Created by: Howard Ehrenberg

Downloaded: 29k times

This plugin uses the Owl-Carousel-2 jQuery plugin to create carousels (sliders) from any built in or (public) custom post type in WordPress. You can use this plugin to make:

  • Image Carousel from Media Library
  • Product Carousels (Choose WooCommerce Products)
  • Featured Product Carousels
  • Carousels from Posts or Products by ID
  • Taxonomy (Category/Tag) Carousels
  • Carousel from Any Custom Post Type
  • Latest Posts
  • WooCommerce Reviews
  • More

Easy to use controls allow for customization of each carousel with options to show or hide Titles, Featured Image, Call to Action buttons (links) and more.

This plugin is simple and without on screen nags, promotions or upsells.

Please note. There is not a lot of stylesheet attached to the layout. If you don’t have basic skills, this might not be the plugin for you.


  • Admin View of a Featured Product Carousel
  • Admin View of choosing by post ID.
  • Admin View of Chosen Category
  • Public Large Desktop View. With Featured Image and CTA Link to item.


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