Business in a Box Business in a Box Business in a Box

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Downloaded: 1k times works with publishers to monetize their traffic with lead generation efforts. Business in a Box allows WordPress
blogs and sites to offer these forms, phone numbers, and comparison widgets without needing programming expertise.

Upon configuration, the Plugin adds 5 Widgets and 13 Shortcodes to make it esay to implement forms, calculators, comparison engines, and advertisement within your site.
Users are able to complete their experience on your website, only redirecting to an external signup page of the advertiser requires submission on their site.
will also provide a landing page that your form links to, that has more information for users that want to learn more before applying.

Revenue Opportunity: The various widgets use comparable space to an Adsense Advertising block, and potentially generate 20% or more revenue than the equivalent Ad Sense Unit,
without taking the user off your site. There is no conflict with running Adsense and Business in a Box, successful publishers do run both.

All Service Providers must abide by the Code of Ethics.

Note: Donate Link is to our primary corporate charity.


Version Specific Documentation is fully included within the plugin, within two Tabs, Getting Started and Technical Documentation.

Usage of the Plugin is contingent on compliance with our Code of Ethics.
Before or after installation, you must apply

Once you have been reviewed by the Code of Ethics Compliance team, you are issued a BIB URL and a Publisher ID, which are used for tracking and credit purposes.

You can add Widgets to the Sidebar or add the Shortcodes. The Shortcodes have buttons in the Visual Editor, but are also fully documented in Technical Documentation.

The Plugin is English Only in this release, but Internationalization is coming soon.


Supplies, via Shortcode and Widget, a mobile-friendly “Call Now” box, a dynamic “Lead Form,” and product comparisons and calculators.

Full List of Product Components:

  • Lead Form
  • Lead Phone

Only Permitted for proven partners

  • Student Loan Comparison
  • Identity Theft Comparison
  • Business Loan Comparison
  • Personal Loan Comparison
  • Student Loan Calculators
  • Business Loan Calculators
  • Personal Loan Calculators
  • Student Loan Ad Units
  • Identity Theft Ad Units
  • Business Loan Ad Units
  • Personal Loan Ad Units

Coming Soon

  • More Comparison Widgets
  • More Calculators
  • More Lead Categories
  • Spanish Language Support
  • Tools for helping Publishers expand their content reach
  • Faster and Faster Performance

Technical Information

Configuration is built upon the plugin. The included version of and MB Settings Page are loaded after plugins,
if you have already installed these plugins, it will use the existing version of them.


  • Account Info Screen where your BIB Url and Publisher ID are entered
  • Business in a Box Lead Form
  • Student Loan Comparison Widget


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