Nowadays many web stores allow their customers to select convenient delivery date for their orders so that customers can be available at the time of delivery and there will be less possibility of returning orders due to unavailability.

With our plugin customers can choose the preferred date of delivery at the time of checkout which can be accessible by the customer in mail & Admin at the backend. Admin can easily identify these dates and proceed accordingly.

Check out the demo now!

For admin the Demo
[Username: Demo]
[Password: Demo@45#1]

Advanced Option

  1. Admin can manage the label of the delivery date field.

  2. We also made some advancements by allowing the admin to select a date/days range as per his convenience. It can be customized by

    1. Selecting particular days (Saturday, Sunday etc.)
    2. Selecting particular Dates (25th December, 31st December etc)
    3. Disabling days from the order date.
  3. Admin can disable particular dates for delivery(For example on 25th December), so customer cannot select those dates for order delivery.

  4. Admin can disable some days (For example Saturday, and Sunday), then it will be disabled on frontend so the customer cannot select that day for order delivery.


The Delivery Date for WooCommerce plugin is also available in a professional version which includes more fields, more functionality, and more flexibility. The Delivery Date for WooCommerce PRO plugin features:

  • Filter orders by delivery date through calendar view.
  • Added Time Slot Options

Upgrade to Delivery Date for WooCommerce PRO

Check out the demo now!

For admin the Demo
[Username: pro_user]
[Password: pro_user]


If you like the plugin, consider a donation to support further development. Click here


  • This is the admin option
  • This is the frontend view


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