Destiny Reviews Destiny Reviews

Destiny Reviews

Created by: Artur Burkalo

Downloaded: 512 times

The plugin will help to build better brand awareness and will let to share success stories with your users (aka humans).

Use [destiny_reviews] where you want to show reviews on your website.

Use [destiny_reviews_user_form] where you want users to submit their form.

If you do spot any bugs please email and I’ll try to fix it.

You can choose between three styles: dark, light and custom dark is default, you can also change the border radius.

The plugin is lightweight, and only loads CSS where the shortcode is preseneted.

Tested with
– Oxygen Builder
– Custom Themes
– Gutenberg Editor


  • Screenshot of the dark theme
  • Screenshot of the light theme
  • That's the area where all reviews are achieved in WordPress admin
  • That's where we add our Reviews
  • Style settings
  • User form to submit reviews
  • User form settings


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