DX Dark Site DX Dark Site

DX Dark Site

Created by: DevriX

Downloaded: 801 times

Unfortunately, sometimes features of a site are not working propperly- pages are not loading, payment systems are not working, etc.
We created this plugin with the idea of dealing with emergencies on the site, by keeping your site private to logged users or informing the visitors that the site is not fully functional.
The plugin has two major features:
1. A redirection field, which when added URL to it will redirect the whole site to the URL for all non-logged users. For example, a pre-created page that informs the user that the site is under construction or down.
2. A WordPress editor, which renders a bar over the whole site in the header. The bar can have custom content in it and when closed a cookie is loaded for 12 hours. While the cookie is enabled the notice won’t show for the visitor, but once the cookie expires the notice shows again. This is added with the idea of informing the visitors that something is not working properly. For example “Sorry, our payment systems are not working at the moment”.

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  • The plugin's simple configuration screen. Any existing custom post types will appear here


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