Disable Everything Disable Everything

Disable Everything

Created by: Dessky Team

Downloaded: 30k times

Do you know what is better for a website performance then installing a good caching plugin and getting more expensive hosting?

Not to load bloat in the first place!

This lightweight plugin is meant to do just that.

With this All-in-One plugin you can simply disable any feature that you do not use with one click.

If you change your mind and want feature back you can always re-enable it later.

You can also chose any combo of features that you do not want and make a custom selection for disabling.

Disable All of the Comments

(PRO version only)

If you are sick of SPAM or you do not need Comment Section so much then Disable them Completely with this one lightweight plugin.

Having Too Many Plugins Can Hurt Your Website

  • Installing and activating numerous plugins on your website can affect your page load time and the performance of your site as a whole.

  • Plugin conflicts can result in slow-loading pages, error messages, or broken functionality. Ultimately, a plugin conflict can cause a website to crash.

  • Security risks. The more plugins you install, the greater the risk that you’ll download one with a security vulnerability.

  • Learning curves. Each plugin’s dashboard or settings interface is different and the time required to learn how to take advantage of each plugin quickly adds up. Plus, there’s often maintenance involved to ensure that each one functions properly.

With this All-in-One plugin you can forget installation of one plugin for each feature that you want to disable.

There are simply way too many of those in WordPress and you really do not want to have bunch of plugins hogging server resources just for that.

Following features are currently included for disabling

Free Version:

  • User-Enumeration
  • Author Archives
  • capital_P_dangit
  • Screen options and help
  • Howdy in adminbar
  • Navigation items in adminbar
  • Clean Dashboard
  • Emojis
  • Embed Objects
  • Dashicons
  • Heartbeat
  • XML-RPC + Pingback
  • Generator
  • WLW Manifest
  • Really Simple Discovery
  • Short Link
  • RSS Feeds
  • Block Library
  • Application Passwords

NEW Features that you can disable:

  • Privacy Tools
  • Site Health page
  • adjacent_posts links in the header
  • Version var (?ver=) after styles and scripts.
  • PDF Thumbnails
  • Empty Trash (period is shortened to 1 week)
  • Plugin and Theme Editor
  • oEmbed
  • Remote Block Patterns

PRO Version: (yeah we know it sucks but this plugin needs to be supported somehow)

  • Comments
  • WP Updates
  • Auto-update Email Notifications for Themes and Plugins
  • Post Revisions
  • Search
  • WP Login Logo and Favicon
  • Administration Email Verification Prompt
  • Lazy Loading
  • Yoast SEO Bloat
  • WooCommerce Bloat
  • Right Click
  • Admin Footer
  • Elementor Bloat
  • Jetpack Promotions
  • Contact Form 7 Bloat
  • Autoptimize Toolbar
  • W3 Total Cache HTML Footer Comments

Join Our Open Community

Dessky Team does not provide support for the Disable Everything on the WordPress.org forums. In order to get support from a Dessky Team or make a suggestion you will have to Start a Discussion here.


JOIN OUR OPEN COMMUNITY: The purpose of this open community is to have a collective place where the community can help each other, and we can get some feedback to improve Disable Everything as well. Joining the community is also a great way to connect with like-minded people and share your experience.


I have further questions, how do I contact you?

Please fill up the contact form here and we would be more than happy to assist.



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